Friday, April 22, 2016

Reflect on Second life experience – Week 14 Blog Post

In Second Life terminology, an experience is a set of avatar interactions created by one or more scripted objects.  With an experience key, creators can build their experiences so that a user only needs to grant avatar permissions once for the entire experience rather than separately for each scripted object within it.  These permissions allow the experience to animate your avatar, attach items to your avatar, track your camera, control your camera, teleport your avatar, and alter your movement controls.

The open-ended environment of this virtual community is part of SECOND LIFE'S appeal and charm, and there’s ample opportunity for kids to flex their creative muscles (though the tools to do so are somewhat clunky). Visitors will find socializing, entertainment, games, and abundant opportunities for learning (sit in on a classroom discussion, run a business, and learn to play an instrument). Plus, they can buy, sell, and develop land; build structures, and shop. Avatars can even fly! Certainly, there’s nearly as much to do in this world as there is in the real world. But that’s what also makes it a dangerous environment for kids. Without the safeguards that were in place at Teen Second Life, teens are more likely to wander into -- intentionally or unintentionally -- adult-themed areas or overhear inappropriate conversations or chat with someone who isn’t who they claim to be. Yes, it’s an engaging, creative place full of endless possibilities. But left unchecked or unmonitored, that may also present the biggest concern.

Second Life allows for great expression and creativity and customization of ones avatar. The freedom is endless in Second Life. The creator of SL has as his signature in the SLforums a quote by Mahatma Gandhi "You must be the change you wish to see in the world. " Second life is user created. 99.9% of what you see in world was made by a member. There is no game to second life but there are many games in second life. Anything you can dream, you can build. Well at least you can try to build it,lol. Second life is the closest thing the the met averse I have seen. They recently made joining completely free. You only need pay a fee if you wish to own land. No the graphics aren't cutting edge, but the creativity and imagination behind what you find in world is top notch. It's not for everyone, but you will never know if it is for you until you try it. And even if it is not what you expected second life gives you the tools to make it what you want it to be. It is definitely worth checking out.

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